Ed Welch: A Confidence Man

Aug 02, 2023
A security officer who we had performed vulnerability studies for at her bank reached out to ask us with a question earlier this month.
I was visiting one of my branches a few weeks back and one of the tellers mentioned a training she took years (many years ago). She said the presenter was an ex-con artist and he spoke about how the cons would try to outsmart a teller and confuse them. She said it was one of the best trainings as a teller she had ever had. She still had the paperwork and her notes. I’ve tried to see if I could find anything on CPEA and Edward Welch (the presenter) and I’m not coming up with much. Looking at the papers she saved it was quite a while ago given the font looks like a typewriter. Does this organization or Edward Welch sound familiar to you?”
 Ed Walsh is a name no one has mentioned to me in over forty years,...Click here to read more.
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