When Attorneys Call Me...That's Not Good for You!

Aug 02, 2023
One of the most interesting aspects of my job is when attorneys call to talk with me. It always leads to a new education on what is happening in the streets. While we don’t take expert witness cases, we do discuss in detail with the attorney what exactly has happened and how how their client get shot or killed. One case we were called about involved a CEO that was killed during the bank robbery and a customer was taken hostage.  The customer taken hostage left the bank with the robber with was forced to drive the getaway car. Eventually law enforcement stopped the car and a shoot out occurred. Needless to say, in this case everyone would be sued - the bank for security problems, law enforcement for how they stopped the car, and the bank's management. If you didn’t hear about this case, we aren't surprised. If these cases gain national attention, it is only for one or two news broadcasts. The actual turmoil for the people involved can last over three years before the cases are finally settled. In one case we know about presently, it has been ongoing for over five years. 
Sometimes the call comes from the attorney who is suing the bank. These calls are fascinating as the lawyer will assure us the bank is the cause of all the problems. In one case, a senior citizen was shot during the robbery. The lawyer told me that a bank a mile away had been robbed two years before, therefore this bank should have taken major security measures. He felt the bank needed a full-time guard when open and a mantrap installed at the front door with GPS packs ready to go. He had also found out the bank only did robbery training quarterly and felt this wasn’t enough. When I asked him how we could help him, he said he was looking for an expert witness who could confirm that he was correct. I took him by surprise when I asked if the bank had an expert witness to help them. He informed me that they did and provided the name of their expert witness, and I laughed. He said, “I don’t like the sound of that laugh!” Well, I personally know the man the bank has retained and he wouldn’t take the case unless he knew he could win it.  In a small field like this you get to know who is handling expert witness cases.
This month's article is on bank robbery and what your financial institution should be doing before a robbery takes place. The robber doesn’t have to be brilliant, they just have to listen better when in prison. Unlike others, when we perform vulnerability studies, we are as interested in the financial institution across the street when we are at your location. The goal in our reviews is that everyone goes home safe tonight and the robber is forced to go across the street. The robbery article details what happens when a bank conducts a vulnerability study.  
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